Join the Krucer Technocratic Commonwealth Royal Navy

Read the table below to find out more about the Krucer Technocratic Commonwealth and how our Royal Navy is working to protect us from the corrupt GDU, and their efforts to destroy our freedom.

Krucer Technocratic Commonwealth


KTC OverviewGDU  Overview
The Krucer Technocratic Commonwealth (KTC) is an advanced society guided and stabilised by the beloved Krucer family, and driven by the wisdom of the Commonwealth’s very best minds. The KTC has expanded through technological, ideological, and physical struggles, gaining new worlds and amalgamating new cultures into their own to create a stronger and more prosperous whole. The GDU is a bloated bureaucracy, run on corruption and cronyism. They preach freedom and democracy while bullying and starving smaller governments into signing up to their rules and regulations about how society must function. Defeat would mean the end of all your personal freedoms, including freedom of expression, and even freedom of thought. Your children would end up becoming brainwashed drones of the state, parroting the GDU dogma and forcing a stagnant ideology on everyone, whether they believed it or not.
 KTC Society GDU Society
The KTC is a single culture that is always evolving and adapting to new ideas from adopted worlds, challenging and changing the status quo for the better. This leads to a secular commonwealth, but all members are free to hold any belief that they choose. Everyone is given an equal opportunity with basic education provided for all. Effort and success are greatly rewarded and a social emphasis is placed upon self education and improvement. Those who achieve are supported and pushed towards greater things so that they might improve the Commonwealth for the better and set an example for future generations to aspire to. The GDU don’t care about what is a good or bad idea. They don’t care about what you can do but, instead, only the demographics you fall into. There is no ability to argue against what the establishment have decided is “the correct ideology” and publicly disagreeing is tantamount to social suicide. Education is completely controlled by the state, falling short of lofty goals , and the entire social system is mired by a defacto caste system dictated by your cultural heriatage.
KTC Ships GDU Ships
KTC ships are built with an emphasis on pilot skill and up to date technology. Even our standard fighters offer excellent flight performance. Pilots and squads that demonstrate particular skill will, of course, gain access to more advanced fighters and technology which can be used for more tactical missions. All ships, even large ships, are designed to be modular, to some degree, so that they can adapt to any threat. Fly hard and fly smart. GDU ships hit hard, and take a lot of damage, but this leaves them vulnerable to superior agility, pilot skill, and targeting technology. Their navy is beholden to a convoluted command structure that hinders their effectiveness, and their pilots have little choice but to engage in a straight firefight, relying too much on their heavy hulls and overclocked weapon systems. The GDU also has a large number of freelance mercenary ships of unknown capabilities and, while their large ships are often technologically inferior, their access to abundant resources means there will always be reinforcements.

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