Read the table below to find out more about the Galactic democratic union and the KTC aggressors who would crush our peaceful and tolerant society under militant boots.
Galactic Democratic Union |
GDU Overview | KTC Overview |
The Galactic Democratic Union (GDU) is a vast collection of united – yet diverse – worlds, organised by a central democratic government comprised of officials representing each of the aligned States. It is built on hundreds of years of political negotiations and respect for the many peoples from vastly different cultures, and religions. | The KTC is a dictatorship, ruled by the ruthless Krucer Family and supported by a group of elitist power mongers. They have been marching across the galaxy for years now, trampling cultures under military boots and showing no mercy to anyone who opposes them. They care nothing for democracy, nothing for your beliefs, and nothing for your rights. Defeat would mean nothing less than the complete destruction of your way of life, the abolition of your belief system, and the total subjugation of your family to a heartless, unelected, overlord. |
GDU Society | KTC Society |
There are many cultures that make up the GDU, from secular republics through to religious dynasties. The GDU strongly believes that every culture and religion must be respected and preserved and, to this end, even devotes a part of its huge education program towards helping create a greater understanding of the problems faced by the many different groups of people within the Union. The GDU strives to educate a high proportion of its people well into adulthood, always making sure to bring everyone up to a fair level. It gives a voice to the voiceless, and takes good care of the most vulnerable mempers of society. | The KTC is an elitist oligarchy that cares nothing for the people who are left behind to fend for themselves. There is no respect for other cultures or religions. They openly mock everyone’s beliefs and ideals, and even relelntlessly harass those who ask for understanding or sympathy. They have almost nothing in the way of further education for the general population, and often let the poorest minorities and least able slip through the cracks into silent suffering. |
GDU Ships | KTC Ships |
The GDU has a wide variety of ships. Many are created through trade agreements that have taken the best developments from different worlds and are collaboratively built for long term use. These ships are sturdy, and will serve every pilot well for years. There are also a good number of alternative ships, built and used by specific cultures within the Union. These craft offer more specialised functionality above and beyond the standard fleet. | The KTC war machine creates ships that are fast, manoeuvrable, and have powerful weaponry. Generally speaking however, they can’t take a lot of punishment. In a head-on firefight they would not stand a chance against our ships, but they often use ambush tactics. Additionally, the KTC has advanced drop drives, and other tricks used to terrorise their enemies. Their large ships can also be particularly dangerous, despite their small numbers. |
Sign Up for the GDUÂ Starforce |
Defect To the KTC |